My favorite magazine (The Nest) left me thinking about an interesting question; would you allow your boyfriend or spouse a celebrity freebie?
I believe my answer to this question is one of the reasons Robert and I got together in the first place. He has quite the crush on Jessica Alba and I have given him the hall pass if any such occasion were to arise. I know it never will which is probably why I'm so okay with it. The fact that she is a celebrity and so unobtainable makes me feel as though I would understand why he did it. However, that is because I know it isn't even a possibility, so how would I really feel if it was?
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Hubby returned the favor too, but bless his heart, my list is a little longer. Actually narrowing my choice down to one would be quite a challenge. Would I choose Dane Cook, Jim Carrey, or Timothy Olyphant? That makes me sound awful, doesn't it?
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However, the truth is, given the opportunity, I wouldn't go for it. The fact of the matter is while my hottie list is nice to look at, none of them will ever equal what Robert means to me. The attraction just isn't enough to spur a one night stand because I already have everything I want.
What do you say. . . would you go for it given the opportunity?
We both pick Anne Hathaway! I pick Johnny Depp too...