Monday, June 13, 2011

Three tips for keeping off the newlywed nine

Just like going to college and being on your own can lead to the freshman fifteen, getting married can lead to the newlywed nine. As they say, when you're happy you eat more, and being a newlywed can make you pretty darn happy!

In the months leading up to the wedding, and a few months after, I have lost 16 pounds! I'm so happy with the way I look, and while chocolate and soda are calling me, I want to keep it off. I want to resist the little voice in my head that says "the wedding is over so you don't have to worry about fitting into your dress anymore." So how can you avoid gaining weight once you're married? I have a few tips based on the steps I've been following.

1. Don't quit anything you truly love cold turkey.

Going cold turkey will just make your cravings worse, and eventually, you'll over binge and do your diet some serious damage. Also, there are alternatives for everything you love. For those obsessed with chocolate, you can get sugar free candy or products with less of the bad stuff (like Skinny Cow in America). Also, they offer 90 calorie sodas; mini cans that give you just enough of a soda kick without sending your calories over the edge (not sure if they are in the U.K. though). It's true that some days one just isn't enough, but they are worth trying and really do help the cravings.

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This website, and app on some phones like the iPhone, is a lifesaver for anyone trying to lose weight. It's free, and based on your profile, it helps you monitor what you eat and what you need to do to stay the same weight, lose weight, or gain it. I've been using it for a while now and it helps me keep on track. So if I do have a regular old chocolate bar or extra fatty Starbucks Frappuccino, I can still monitor what I eat and not cause too much damage.

3. Find an exercise that works for you.

Not everyone enjoys exercising. I'll be honest, I dread working out. I always love the way I feel afterward, but I'm not excited about exercise at all. Even if you do enjoy working out, the same technique doesn't work for everyone. I avoid the gym all together and perform two different routines: walking up and down the stairs (and I do have A LOT of stairs) and the Zumba Fitness workouts for the Wii. It's a good thing I do Zumba at home, too. There are a few sexy moves in there and, well, I look more like a tree blowing in a thunderstorm than a sexy, salsa dancer. Sometimes, when it's not 90 plus degrees outside, I even walk around my neighborhood for thirty minutes. Either way, if exercise isn't your thing, find a workout that you can tolerate and that fits you and your lifestyle!

(Image Source:

I've only posted a few tips, and honestly I'm no expert on healthy and fitness. However, I do know that these tips have worked for me. Now that I've written this, it's time for me to utilize tip # 1; a.k.a grab myself another mini coke!

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