Tuesday, June 7, 2011

One bed or two?

Lately, I've heard a lot of radio chatter about whether or not it's better for a husband and wife to share a bed or have separate bedrooms. It's interesting how that position has changed over time. Years ago sharing a room, heck even a bed, was out of the question. Now we have options. If our partner snores or works different hours we can choose to have separate rooms. Honestly, it does make sense if there are factors affecting either one of your sleeping habits, but I have to wonder, does not sharing a bed and/or bedroom affect how close you are to your partner?
Personally, I love the feeling of sleeping next to Robert. Not only is it one of the things I look forward to during my day, but it's comforting. Although we're just sleeping, I feel being beside one another makes our relationship more intimate because we're sharing something together that we don't share with anyone else. At the same time, there aren't any factors that make sharing a room or bed difficult for us. But even if snoring or kicking eachother in our sleep was a problem, I'd still choose what we have now. For me, marriage has always meant sharing your life, your space, and sleeping side by side.
What's your opinion? Would you sleep in separate rooms or would you rather sleep next to your partner?

(Image Source: http://thehomelook.blogspot.com/2010/07/lets-go-to-bed-honey.html)


  1. It took me awhile to get used to it, but now I can't stand to sleep by myself. Even though hubby has a tendency to crowd me and he snores, I love sleeping next to him. :)

  2. Josh snores, but we're definitely snuggle sleepers. I'll be interested to see how it goes as my body continues to get lumpier!

  3. Jason is has tremendous snores, but I'd still pick sleeping in the same bed with him over sleeping separately.

  4. Same bed everytime... Except if one or other of us is ill with flu or a cold... I can't stand being too hot when I'm unwell so I take myself off to the spare room hehe
    That aside I would never have seperate rooms full time, just before sleeping is the only time we actually talk about important things... no distractions around it's lovely :)

  5. looovveeeeeee iittttt :)
